Wednesday, July 24, 2024

World Nature Conservation Day and Steampunk art.

July 28th is the recognition date for 'World Nature Conservation Day” Saving our home planet may require divine intervention. So what we can all actively do is 'Smile and place gentle loving thoughts into the field of consciousness for our planet and all life forms.' Also, this day reminds me of J. Assange, E. Snowden, J. McAfee & C. Manning. the heroes and conservationists of the Constitution and making us aware of government overreach.
In other news: Our neighbor wanted their electric heater to find a new home, so I decided to paint it. The stove is mostly made of wood with the heater at the bottom protected by cast iron. Steampunk art seemed the most fitting for this project. I hear it will be a cold winter so this decorative electric-fan-heater will be useful. I have posted a recipe for a rolled oat banana breakfast cake. It was an experiment baking day. I like using the organic Monkfruit sweetener for regular sugar. This is a hefty cake and can be turned into cookie dough
The local art group has suggested/requested that we artists use our visionary art minds to create or paint something with feathers in an angelic theme. I am working on that idea, we only have a month to submit the art piece. It is a worthy project for everyone to try, whether in writing or as art. When, or if I create the art piece of a celestial creature I will post it here. If it is 2-D I will place it on my Fine Art America website. Other thoughts? I did find two 1960s era books, the author is fantastic!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Try a little kindness each and every day.

Humanity matters, so stay cool-headed this month and know 'by faith' that it will get better very soon.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

When Pigs Fly and Read Minds.

I had time to locate a topper for the cat garden totem. This decor came from the curtain rod section of the Habitat for Humanities store. It was a great find and only a couple of dollars. I also added paint to the wood stool, it is super nice now.
I went back outside for more neighborhood inspiration. That was after the heat wave moved east, whew! One day soon the bots and trolls will leave my blog site alone, then I can finally get some feedback from you all. I have my fingers crossed on that thought. Anyway, Have an interesting and blessed week everyone.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

I am thinking about Christmas in July!

It is so hot outside that my mind wants to go straight to the cool weather of the Christmas Season. Blessed Yesuha it is time!
I made tumbleweed art while cooling off next to a fan the otherday. And yes, I actually did decorate and place those tumbleweeds on that tree a few years ago.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The month of July is about listening to music in a flower garden.

Vintage music sheet paper and hand-painted flowers that turned into something very nice. This was a relaxing project in celebration of July.
A great web link to keep an eye on, Yes, I really like this web "" - Digital Currency such as XRP & XLM can be purchased at Blessings and good cheer to everyone's 4th of July celebrations.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Be sure to keep a happy heart because summer fun is happening now.

Just having fun with mixed media. Check out the quantity of information on this intriguing website:For The People.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Happy Father's Day to everyone. The cat garden totem is almost done.

I was blessed to have had a terrific father, and equally graced with a memorable spouse who was a fantastic dad to our child. Both of these men made the world a better place. "The purpose of life is to contribute in some way to making things better." Robert F. Kennedy. "Children make you wat to start life over." Muhammad Ali The 'Garden Totem' is almost done, it will eventually have a hanger for a towel and a couple of hooks. These boards had been scratch posts wrapped with carpet. Now they are repurposed to be decorative items. It was fun and I know that Tiger Sky would approve. Have a stupendous Sunday. More touch-ups to the 5ft Garden Totems -now to find a special topper for the flat board. June

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The month of June is our time to shine.

I have been working on angel cats as a remembrance of our Tiger Sky. This is an old chair that I painted a couple of days ago, and currently working on a long board. Watch for updates on that project. The rock frog above was also my project. :-)

Friday, April 26, 2024

The Labyrinth painting is finished.

The blossomed Tree of Life has strong roots that add a sense of balance as you journey in the labyrinth. You can feel that nature is filled with peace, joy, light, and love. I had a lot of fun creating this art work. The finished painting looks great on the wall.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Finding good news in the world.

Prime Minister Sudani visits the USA this week. Iraqi people are ready to thrive with a valuble world currency. Blessings to them.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

A couple of my favorite Eclipse - Sky - Cloud captures.

Earth's Magnetic Field, the 'Torus' in the cloud swirl, seen often like an owl face. The Star design around the eclipse of the Sun, with a Heart cloud formation designed naturally. And of course, the Sun being eclipsed in the left corner by the moon's shadow, and by using CANVA to lighten the photo The Sun Spot shows up nicely. All of these photos are taken with a Canon PowerShot camera. My photos are nearly as good as NASA's, so really speaking, how close is this sun to Earth, it would be nice to hear more about the atmosphere on the Moon. NORAD also has photos they keep out of the public's eye. With all the eyes on the skies on April 8th, many images of 'odd objects' were captured, the UAPs, drones, light movement, etc.. Was the 'Don't watch the eclipse' warning simply so we would pay more attention to what might also be an event in our sky? Well, they won't tell, so we will keep recording any sky anomaly that happens around us in our everyday lives. As always, Walk in life with a happy heart.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

April 9th image of the Sunspots and Steampunk craft.

Country Cottage Angels, revamped into Steampunk! Check out the link above for astounding information from MrMBB333 Live today the 9th.

Monday, April 8, 2024

The Solar Eclipse sure was fun, check out this video footage.

It did get cold outside and the clouds presisted, but I did get some footage. It really was nice being outside during this event. Check this link out, a sphere taking plasma from the sun! MrMBB333 today's post.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

April 7th the Sun was pulsating, honest!

Photo of Easter grass, in honor of April 8th, who many believe is the actual Easter date for 2024. I needed to get my photos taken before the rain showers today, and the Easter grass was on the trail.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Today was a rainy day, but I still made a Sun Watching post.

Since it was a rain day, I was able to work on a 'Steampunk' craft. Photos of that will follow later this week.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Found a Sunspot plus a Sun face.

Sun watching is just a fun activity. But, I hope you enjoy the posts. Remember I had to turn off chat due to bots taking over my site.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Sunset watching for odd sky events until April 9th.

It is believed that we will see amazing things over the next few days. So watch the skies and you decide if it is all real or illusion.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Vision Dream from last night. It was awesome.

Just an FYI note, on my pastel art portraits of Humanities World Heroes, the name list is this, President Trump, President Putin, President Xi-Jinping, Crown Prince Bin Salman, Prime Minister Modi, Leader Kim Jon-un, President Bolsanaro, Spirit of Queen Diana, Spirit of JFK (both Sr & Jr.) I wanted to add Prime Minister Sudani, but my picture was complete on first draft.

Friday, March 22, 2024

World Hero Portraits - Happy Easter Season.

Find this art piece at Pixels Bringing Peace and Prosperity to the people. That is Humanities. I also had fun creating my Easter Egg Tree. A German Heritage tradition.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Happy March 14th, all good things are happening.

I was thinking of making this 'Tad and intuitive friends' video into a little Blurb booklet. And I did, plus it has other art images. This is to showcase my artworks. It is cute. Available by end of this month at

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Spring begins after the Ides of March.

March 15th is known as the 'Ides of March', but no worries as the best of March happens on the 19th, because "Spring Begins". And Easter on the 31st. What an amazing month!